Established November 1998. First broadcast November 2002.
Broadcasting from studios
at the Kilmore Racing Complex.
Proud members of
Learner Drivers Can Get A Free Driving lesson!
LEARNER drivers and their supervisors now have access to a free State Government sponsored driving lesson.
The myLearners Free Lesson program gives eligible drivers / supervisors one free 1hr driving lesson. Eligibility requirements are that Learners must have 10-30 hours of driving with their fully licensed supervisor able to join them in the car. This can save up to $100 for a lesson.
Also, don’t forget the L2P program run by TAC and administered by Berry St in the Mitchell Shire! Get your 120 learner hrs with a trained mentor.
To learn more about becoming a Learner or a mentor, email or phone Berry St on 58228100
To register for a myLearners Free Lesson visit
February 04, 2025
If you’re struggling with your mortgage payments in Victoria, there is a free service that can help!
MSV – Mortgage Stress Victoria – provides Victorians with financial, legal and social work support. They can negotiate affordable repayments, help with legal issues and provide emotional support. If you require their services, live in your mortgaged home, own only one property, have household income or $75000 or less, or are affected by family violence get in touch!
Contact MSV on 1800 572 292 or
January 31, 2025
Ruby and Matilda are our current award winning young presenters on OKRFM!!
Hear their awesome program-
Wednesday afternoons, 4pm - 5pm
Ruby and Matilda, joined by Mark, have a fun and quirky hour of entertainment geared towards teens.
It's a great way for young listeners to unwind and enjoy some lively conversation, music, and humor after a long day at school.
We discuss current events, chat with the occasional special guest, we share personal stories and experiences.
Join us for the joke and quote of the week and fresh for 2025 What the? Plus Who did it better?! ?
January 31, 2025
All presenters wanting show information put up on the website or our Facebook page, email Peter at
January 18, 2025
If you want your drivers license on your phone – now you can via the myVicroads app! Fully licenced, P and L plate drivers can now have their licence viewable on the app. It definitely saves carrying a losable card or ID item! Physical card licences while still valid, will continue to be issued. Any license changes will immediately appear on the app.
December 08, 2024
Based in Wallan, the Mitchell Shire now has a new legal centre. The Northern Community Legal Centre will provide free legal advice across topics like Family Violence, Tenancy questions and Motor Vehicle accidents. The service is aimed at those identifying as Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders, LGBTQI+, victims of Family Violence or those under 25.
The Centre is open M-F 9am-5pm (BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL!). Call 93104376 or go to http:/
December 08, 2024